Monday, October 4, 2010


Hello :)
So I'm finally back in my h0met0wn--the dog eating place. Well, there's no internet c0nnection at h0me, so from the phone it is.

It's pretty g0od to be back because I can sh0w y0u my ultimate sp0t that I usually go to when I want to digest s0me s0ngs.. 

Yes, y0u saw that right..
It is l0cated in my r0om. Whenever I want to do my 'number 2', I quickly grab my mp3 player, then go in there to do the business with my mp3 on the play. S0metimes I spent h0urs in there, and I stayed there even after number 2's d0ne heheh. I can figure out riffs over there. And whenever I finished listening, I just clean myself, go out, take the guitar, then play the stuff that I just figured out. Heheh.
This has been g0in on f0r a c0uple of years. This t0ilet is friggin' peaceful and I can get all the silence I need even though my earph0ne isn't the n0ice-cancelling one. Also, I d0n't have to w0rry ab0ut h0w l0ng I will stay there unlike the t0ilet in my apartment, I can't really spend my time there because we are sharing.

My sec0nd favorite sp0t is in the car. No matter what car it is, as l0ng as it can m0ve. I just l0ve l0ng j0urneys because I can listen to stuff f0r a l0ng time while l0oking at the outside views. It is s0meh0w relaxing.

Well th0se are my sweet sp0ts. What ab0ut y0u?

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