I've f0und this band l0ng time ago. I d0n't really remember h0w, but when I d0wnl0aded their s0ng 'h0wling', I just listened to it once, and then deleted it straight away because I was freaked out by the narration at the beginning of that song.. Y'kn0w.. "the night sky full of cries.. " and so on. I wasn't a fan of such music back then when I f0und them. But then after a while, a friend sh0wed me their video clip of this s0ng, and I liked it. At that time I became a fan of 'n0isy' music already. Heheh. You should check out "Blade Chord" I think it's pretty cool. Well, I was m0st interested to their drummer and bass because b0th of them were soo0o0 tight.
Takan0ri's(voc.) v0ice kinda ann0yed me at first because of his over-vibrating style of singing. But hey, that's what makes him special, and also that style blends with the s0ngs well anyway. Oh! Takanori is T.M Revolution btw. The one who sings Heart of Sword-Kenshin ost.
I d0wnl0aded all of their s0ngs and then did s0me research. I was surprised when I f0und out that their drummer and bassist were additi0nals, so the original member was only the v0calist, 2 guitarists, and 1 keyb0ardist/pr0grammer.
In terms of music, their c0ncept is quite the same as other J-rock bands alth0ugh they s0und kinda g0thic in several s0ngs. S0me of them s0und p0p except with heavy guitar riffs, or s0metimes the keyb0ard d0minate the wh0le thing.. Btw, the guitar guys were awes0me. My fav0rite piece of the riffs was during h0wling, after the ch0rus of the 2nd verse. I call it 'the lightning' part. Heheh. Because everytime I listen to that s0ng, the image of lightning c0mes to mind.
Anyway, their live sh0ws were awes0me! Y0u can always Y0utube them. They were always wearing male sch0ol unif0rm. They all look g0od on it :p The v0c's v0ice were so stable!! The music were tight as well. But, it was a pity that the drummer and the bassist were placed in the shadows, never get to wear school unif0rm like the other members =.=" and it was s0o0o hard to find out who they are..
So I did my homework and found that they are Ikuo(ba.) and K0ji Hasegawa (dr.). Ikuo's the one from Bull Zeichen 88/Lapis Lazuli, etc. My 2nd favorite bassist. I'm not really interested in where Koji's from:P Because b0th of them were just additi0nals, it's hard to listen to the basslines because it was placed in a subtle v0lume, which is just en0ugh to fill the emptiness, but n0t n0t clear en0ugh for learning purp0ses. The drum lines were clear though..
F0r all of y0u guitarists out there, the two ABS guitarists are w0rth listening to because they have unique s0l0s and not to mention the unique music arrangements as well. But f0r those who just listen as a wh0le, ABS may s0und just like any other J-r0ck bands.
image from last.fm
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