Saturday, September 25, 2010


Brilliant bunch of fellas. Never heard of them bef0re  'till a friend rec0mmend it to me. I y0utubed them, and because I didn't feel dizzy after the 5th s0ng, I decided to d0wnl0ad the wh0le thing.

 Each title of their s0ngs are unusual and kinda funny e.g. One Day Women Will All Bec0me M0nsters, If I Cut My Hair Hawaii Will Sink, Bulls Make Money Bears Make M0ney And Pigs Get Slaughtered, etc. They s0und t0tally emo to me even though the net said that their genre is p0st hardc0re. Oh wait, does p0st hardc0re stuff always start with min0r ch0rd? Y0u lemme kn0w. Out of 28 s0ngs in my playlist, there were only 3 s0ngs that didn't start with min0r ch0rd. The one that s0unded 'happier' to me was only Who's Sandie Jenkins. Hahah. The guys didn't look emo to me though.

The v0c's v0ice ann0yed me. Seri0usly. All of the s0ngs are high pitched. Well, it wasn't really a bad idea since the v0calist can reach it pretty well anyway, but after s0metime, I started to feel like he was trying too hard. So I w0uld say that I w0uldn't listen to them on a r0adtrip. Well maybe I can handle 1 or 2, but n0t the wh0le thing. Th0se will kill the excitement hahah.

The only thing that makes me able to keep listening to them is the music. They put t0gether hardc0re stuff with piano, strings, and synth. The piano and the strings sound pretty classical to me.  That's why I called them brilliant. Th0se things kinda add m0re 'o0omph' to the music. 

In conclusion, they're n0t bad. The strings, synth and all really make them stand out fr0m other hardc0re/emo bands. Highly recommended to those in favor of emo stuff.

Image from

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