Tuesday, September 13, 2011


When I watch TV back home *dog-eating-place*, I'd definitely w0n't miss this thing called 'inf0tainment' whenever i tuned in to a l0cal channel. N0rmally I'd expect news like celeb A and B is n0w div0rced or maybe s0me crap like celeb C was at a hair sal0n f0r a creambath. This time they were talking ab0ut the emergence of b0ybands and girlbands in this c0untry plus sh0wing s0me of their mvs.

Mediocre face + mediocre dancing + medi0cre singing + mediocre music. yuck.

Acc0rding to them, these guys and gals jumped in the b0yband/galband wag0n pretty recently in resp0nse to the great K-waves *m0re like a tsunami actually*.

Well there were several cute ones. H0t ones? N0ne. The others were so-so. And oh, d0n't even get me started on the gals. They wore heavy make up which added like 8 years to their actual age. Their ch0re0graphy were heavily influenced by the K gals, those kind like.. y'kn0w.. 

Well this is supp0sed to be an impr0vement of the current mainstream over here in a way that there is a new kind of stuff taking place in the midst of th0se shall0w ones that has been g0in on f0r years. I'm no pro, but i think  ipop is just.. sad.. Basically m0st of the stuff that we have n0w are derived from those guys in the 90s or even earlier, and now the Ks are d0ing it BUT they make lots impr0vements and they even raised the bar!! For instance,

                              Then                                  Now

They broke the rule of 5 or 4 in a gr0up by having odd numbers instead, also in terms of their dancing the Ks are waaaaaay better imho. The singing, puhlease. Even though the Ks have bigger number in s0me gr0up, each one of them can sing well unlike those western ones that tend to have 2 g0od ones in a gr0up and use the rest as dec0rati0n. 

In additi0n...

THAT will definitely seal the deal.

With incredibly shaped b0dy added to the list, l0ok at h0w high the standard has bec0me.

The Ip0p is...*sigh*. I was h0ping that at least they can sing better. They have 'ok' v0ice but n0t that great. They don't harmonize as much, and they're not that good doing solos. They need major brush up on their v0cals. Maybe they c0uld also c0me up with better music or at least m0re up-to-date music arrangement. B0th the b0ys n gals of ip0p really need to polish up their dancing skills. There's no o0omph to their m0vements. This wh0le B0yband/Girlband thing aren't really my thing. N0t anym0re. But when i saw SuJu's SorrySorrySorry for the first time, I was literally h0lding my breath and my eyes were barely blinking. S0meh0w I can feel the energy. Even th0ugh I d0n't like the s0ng but the dance was so good that it glued my eyes to the screen 'till the s0ng ended. But when that s0ng is on the radio, I usually teleport to other channel pronto.

Actually i think It'll be better if they have s0me kind of training first bef0re they go out there. So that when they go out, they're equipped with all the packages. Well i saw the K ones underg0ne this, and l0ok at h0w it turned out! It's a good example.

Ip0p guys seri0usly need to hit the gym =.=

F0r the girls, i n0ticed that Ip0p gals have nicer and curvier b0ds than the Ks, which is a go0d start! In terms of fashi0n, hmm. Still can't be called a 'trendsetter'. They need to see the kind of event they will be perf0rming at. I watched one of the galband perf0rming outd0or and guess what, i saw s0me of them w0re a frickin l0ngsleeve plus turtleneck, and all of them were made up heavily! Dang. With all that plus the heat, they're g0nna melt. I think they need to change their stylist and makeup artist. Oh! No need slutty cl0thes so that "th0se pe0ple" w0n't have any reas0n to ban y0u. They also need to firm up all the flabbiness here and there, do l0ts of sit ups, take less0ns to sing better and l0se the heavy make up f0r g0odness sake!!

*y'know why i don't put up any of the ipop stars' pic? Entertainment byotches here like to sue. Nuff' said. 
img credits to: cafe.daum.net

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