Wednesday, August 18, 2010


from the phone. Notice the 0s? :P

Hm.. Where sh0uld I start? I decided to listen to this band when I was b0red and at that time i suddenly remember a friend who likes this band a lot and was the one who intr0duced me to Anna Molly. So I gave them a try.

I checked out some of their s0ngs on y0utube e.g, drive, love hurts, and some other hits, and each of them leads me wanting f0r more. So i decided that i will listen to their stuff from a-z. Well, turns out that they are t0tally w0rth my time. Every piece in the album is mind bl0wing given the fact that they didn't sound straight up alternative or pop or rock. But each song has different feel of genre that you can't really tell what kind of s0ng will come next. Many times they start the s0ng with just plain weirdness in the beginning, then r0ck out the ch0rus, s0metimes they go flat out funk, s0metimes alternative or even nu metal-ish *correct me if i'm wrong* due to the heavy guitars blended with funk basslines plus the rap and occassi0nal scream e.g, a certain shade of green. Aqueous Transmission is totally CHINESE. Check it out :). They keep me guessing everytime. 

The basslines are great!! That's one of the pre-requisites to survive in my playlist hahah. The mel0dy of their s0ngs are s0metimes pretty hard to grasp the 1st time you hear it because it was s0mewhat random and unusual. Especially the S.C.I.E.N.C.E album, many weird stuff there--a 'good' kind of weird hhehehe e.g calgone, nebula, vitamin, etc. The DJ guy indeed makes a l0t of difference to their music. Fungus Amongus album s0unds rather funk-ish to me. 

Oh! Did i mention that their lyrics are good? Hehe. I like the fact that they d0n't f0ll0w the mainstream trending theme these days which mainly rev0lves ar0und sex sex and sex *it feels good, i get it!! but c'mon!!! D0n't u pe0ple have other things in mind?!*
Anyway, I like the v0calist too! He's versatile. D0esn't matter whether it's funk, or r0ck, or whatever, he still s0unds g0od. 

Well, after 70+ tracks f0r a c0uple of days, I didn't even feel b0red listening to them over and over again *i still listen to them 'till n0w* and n0w I finally understand why my friend became a big fan. They're one of my fave band n0w hehe.

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