Last nite I watched MJ's d0cumentary This Is It. Well, I've watched it bef0re but never th0ught of writing ab0ut it. Every sec0nd of it is mind bl0wing *that's why I watched it m0re than 2 times already :p*.. I know that this bl0g was supp0sed to talk ab0ut music n0t m0vies, but this is ab0ut a legend in the music w0rld, so, yeah... And I was mind bl0wn n0t because of h0w t0uching the st0ry was, but it was because I can see a glimpse of MJ's brilliance in terms of music, sh0wmanship, also i can see h0w pe0ple actually manage a mega c0ncert.. It was really inspiring. I wasn't a fan, I am familiar with only a few of his hits and didn't really bother to check him out last time because I was all for Backstreet Boys, Boyzone, and Westlife back then. Also because..
But the d0cumentary changed my mind. He is so amazing that his face didn't look that scary to me anymore hahah. The beginning of the m0vie was all t0uchy because of all the dancer's c0nfessi0ns ab0ut h0w big is this thing f0r them *well duh.. U get to dance with the man who created m0onwalk f0r g0odness sake*. When it c0mes to the part where they were rehearsing, W0w. It was hard to cl0se my m0uth.. The way they all played the music was just mind bl0wing.. I am n0t really a fan of pop-funk kind of music, but MJ's stuff are just.. G0od. Can't st0p shakin my head and feet while listening to them.. The way he supp0sed to appear on stage with his r0b0tic c0stume, or the one where they rehearsed They Don't Really Care Ab0ut Us, or the way he gave cues to the musicians, criticizing the music *even tho it s0unded perfect to me :p*, and all the stage acti0ns and pr0ps were amaaazing. If he didn't die, that c0uld be the m0st spectacular c0ncert in human hist0ry.I think. I had g0osebumps just by watching the rehearsal!! Btw, the musicians were so g0od that they can came in all together in sync acc0rding to MJ's cue. Then I w0ndered h0w.. Cuz his cue was nearly imp0ssible! S0me of them were just a snap or a b0dy m0vement but then n0ne of them s0und late even just a bit.. It was all in perfect sync! They must have really awes0me chemistry.. There were only 1 white musician, which is Orianthi. The other guitarist l0oked really cute with his guitar because his b0dy is so big that the guitar l0oked like Guitar Hero on him wahahahah! The bassist was extremely gr0o0ovy~ but then there was one song where MJ said that the gr0ove wasn't there.. Hmm. That one isn't gr0ovy en0ugh f0r ya M? W0w. The 2 fellas on keys were awes0me as well as the drummer who l0oks like a b0dy builder LOL!
Now that the King of Pop is deceased, I wonder who's gonna take over his throne..Cuz there's no other artist wh0's as good as him in the p0p w0rld.. Well let's see...
lady gaga? so unladylike, and bad for kids.
rihanna? e-e-e-e, NO.
Justin Bieber? There was a saying across the net that goes like "god, if you bring MJ back to life, we'll give you Justin Bieber".
Adam Lambert? Can't dance. Nuff' said.
In conclusion, MJ is --as Beyonce would put it-- Irreplaceable.
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But the d0cumentary changed my mind. He is so amazing that his face didn't look that scary to me anymore hahah. The beginning of the m0vie was all t0uchy because of all the dancer's c0nfessi0ns ab0ut h0w big is this thing f0r them *well duh.. U get to dance with the man who created m0onwalk f0r g0odness sake*. When it c0mes to the part where they were rehearsing, W0w. It was hard to cl0se my m0uth.. The way they all played the music was just mind bl0wing.. I am n0t really a fan of pop-funk kind of music, but MJ's stuff are just.. G0od. Can't st0p shakin my head and feet while listening to them.. The way he supp0sed to appear on stage with his r0b0tic c0stume, or the one where they rehearsed They Don't Really Care Ab0ut Us, or the way he gave cues to the musicians, criticizing the music *even tho it s0unded perfect to me :p*, and all the stage acti0ns and pr0ps were amaaazing. If he didn't die, that c0uld be the m0st spectacular c0ncert in human hist0ry.I think. I had g0osebumps just by watching the rehearsal!! Btw, the musicians were so g0od that they can came in all together in sync acc0rding to MJ's cue. Then I w0ndered h0w.. Cuz his cue was nearly imp0ssible! S0me of them were just a snap or a b0dy m0vement but then n0ne of them s0und late even just a bit.. It was all in perfect sync! They must have really awes0me chemistry.. There were only 1 white musician, which is Orianthi. The other guitarist l0oked really cute with his guitar because his b0dy is so big that the guitar l0oked like Guitar Hero on him wahahahah! The bassist was extremely gr0o0ovy~ but then there was one song where MJ said that the gr0ove wasn't there.. Hmm. That one isn't gr0ovy en0ugh f0r ya M? W0w. The 2 fellas on keys were awes0me as well as the drummer who l0oks like a b0dy builder LOL!
Now that the King of Pop is deceased, I wonder who's gonna take over his throne..Cuz there's no other artist wh0's as good as him in the p0p w0rld.. Well let's see...
lady gaga? so unladylike, and bad for kids.
rihanna? e-e-e-e, NO.
Justin Bieber? There was a saying across the net that goes like "god, if you bring MJ back to life, we'll give you Justin Bieber".
Adam Lambert? Can't dance. Nuff' said.
In conclusion, MJ is --as Beyonce would put it-- Irreplaceable.
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